What’s the secret to our top quality lumber products? A rigorous log selection process, state-of-the-art processing facilities, and a seasoned team of professionals.
We’re proud of the fine work we do, and it shows at every step in the process, from the arrival of the raw material to delivery of your construction lumber to your treatment plant. Try us and see for yourself.
We specialize in log conversion to bring custom-milled spruce-pine-fir products right to your door, whether you’re in Quebec, Ontario, the Maritimes, or the United States.
Responsible logging, rigorous selection, resource optimization, and minimal waste are key concerns in everything we do.
Comme certains d’entre vous le savent peut-être déjà, nous avons eu le plaisir d’accueillir au sein de notre entreprise huit travailleurs provenant du Nicaragua. Cinq d’entre eux sont arrivés à la fin d’avril et les autres à la fin de mai.
Are you looking for a safe workplace, daytime hours, competitive pay, and opportunities for advancement?